Studies on the Taxation System Change in the Republic of China and Its Experience Used in the Current Tax Division System Reform for Reference 国民政府时期税收体制演变对当前分税制改革的借鉴
A division system of power in u.s.a: theory origin, system management and the political recycle of "lame president" and "full power government" 美国的分权制度:理论渊源、制度安排及“跷脚总统”和“全权政府”的政治循环
HAP: A COMPUTER ASSISTED HINTERLAND DIVISION SYSTEM Its Development and Application 城镇势力圈划分计算机系统的开发研究与应用&兼论势力圈的空间结构特征
The Design and Implementation of Henan Main Function Division System Based on GIS 基于GIS的河南省主体功能区区域划分系统的设计与实现
The Creation and Reform of Administrative Division System of Central Revolutionary Base Area 中央革命根据地行政区划体制创制与改革刍议
On this basis, from the angle of division system, the author proposes the three types of travel services in the future. 在此基础上,作者从分工体系的角度出发,指出了中国旅行社业未来将会出现的三种形态。
The Trend of Industrial Division System Changes in Northeast Asia 东北亚区域产业分工体系转变的趋势
The organized division system also provides for support from the RLI officers and attempts to avoid completely reinventing the wheel. 这已成立的分部系统也可由扶轮领导学院(RLI)职员们提供支援和完全避免重覆。
Since the reform of tax division system in 1994, our country has systematically fixed relatively the financial allocation relationship between the central and local government by primarily setting up the system of tax division. 1994年分税制改革,初步确立了较为完善的中央税体系。同时,我国在体制上相对固定了中央与地方之间的财政分配关系,这标志着我国地方税体系的初步确立。
Research on Procedure Division System in Criminal Investigation 刑事侦查中的程序分流制度研究
Develop the city and enclose economy in a more cost-effective manner, set up and meet the administrative division system of enclosing economic development in the city. 经济规律已经给我们指引了一条解决行政区划与经济发展、城市化与经济发展的矛盾的方法:大力发展都市圈经济,建立适应都市圈经济发展的行政区划体制。
On the Reform and Reconstruction of the Labor Division System in China's Travel Agency 论中国旅行社分工体系的改革与重建
Research on the administrative division system of Shanghai Metropolis 上海大都市区行政区划体制研究
On this basis he introduces notional categories that correspond to the syntactic categories already established, and sets up a three fold division system in which Function serves to mediate between Form and Notion. 他引进了与句法范畴相应的意念范畴,建立了形式功能意念的三分体系,认为功能是形式和意念之间的中介。
Finally studied and proposed the automobile division defense conception from the automobile division system structure and the defense way aspect. 最后从汽车分队体系结构和防卫方式方面研究并提出了汽车分队防卫构想。
Furthering international industrial division system; 产业内国际分工体系深化;
Automatic dilution and division system of radioactive isotope 放射性同位素自动稀释和分源系统
The tongxian-level-district or the area-level-district in new China is the hotspot and the nodus in current research of the administrative division system. 地级政区(新中国的统县政区)是当前行政区划体制研究的难点与热点问题。
The communication-navigation system has become a development trend of communication and navigation systems. The joint tactical information division system developed by America is a typical example. 通信导航兼备系统已成为未来通信导航系统发展方向,由美国发展起来的联合战术信息分发系统(JTIDS)是典型代表。
Tax division system is a long-term and reasonable system arrangement but the cost mechanism has actually become the obstacle for central government and local government to realize ideal benefit goals. 分税制是一种长期的合理制度安排,但其成本机制也确实阻碍了中央和地方理想收益目标的实现。
However, it has direct and obvious influence on the regional trade growth, the formation of industrial division system, technological advance and financial cooperation. 但它们都对本地区的贸易增长、产业分工体系形成、技术进步以及金融合作产生了直接且显著的影响。
A Ecological Analysis of Reform of Administrative Division System in China 我国行政区划体制改革的生态分析
With such constant enlargement of the open degree of the respect as goods, technology and investment, etc., the manufacturing industry of our country incorporates in the international division system day by day. 随着商品、技术和投资等方面对外开放程度的不断扩大,我国制造业日益融入国际分工体系之中。
A Communication System between Multi-user Time-division System and Personal Computer 单用户个人计算机与多用户分时系统计算机通信的研究
Most LDCs'affiliation status in international labor division system and its less developed situation in history lead to its subordination and passive status in international monetary system. 历史上,由于绝大多数发展中国家和地区在国际分工体系中的从属地位和自身经济发展的滞后,在国际货币体系中居于次要、被动的地位。
, to provide theoretical basis and ultimate reason for implementing strategy of reform of administrative division system in China. 必须从这些要素的综合考察出发,才能为我国行政区划体制改革实施配套推进战略提供理论基础和基本思路。
Universities carried out active exploration in the internal management system, division system reform to upsurge. 我国高校在内部管理体制中进行了积极探索,掀起学部制改革热潮。
The county and the county-level city are basic units in Chinese administrative division system. 县和县级市是我国行政区划体制中的一个基本单元。
Specifically speaking, the evolution of these five mechanisms impacts on the exchange of the product factors, such as fund 、 technology 、 product and labor, and promote dynamic adjustment of the regional industrial division system. 具体反映为,这五种机制的演化,影响区域内资金、技术、产品和劳动等生产要素的流动,进而促使区域产业分工体系的动态调整。
However, with the evolution of international division system, the form of intra-industry division in East Asia is increasingly prosperous, making the intra-industry influence mechanism becomes an important research direction in the field of business cycle synchronization between China and East Asia. 但随着国际分工体系的演进,东亚地区产业内分工形式日益兴盛,这使得产业内贸易影响机制成为中国与东亚经济周期协动性领域的重要研究方向。